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The Best Hookah Coals for Flavor: A Review

Posted by Prestige Admin on


Hookah coals play a crucial role in the overall flavor of your hookah smoke.

Different types of coals can provide different flavors and burn characteristics, which can greatly affect the taste of your shisha.

In this blog post, we'll be reviewing the best hookah coals for flavor, taking into consideration factors like burn time, lighting ease, and taste.


Section 1: Coconut Coals

Coconut coals are made from compressed coconut shells and are a popular choice among hookah enthusiasts for their natural, sustainable, and neutral taste.

They tend to have a longer burn time and a consistent heat output, which can help to evenly vaporize the shisha for a smooth and flavorful smoke.

One of the downsides to coconut coals is that they can take longer to light than other types of coals, so it's important to plan ahead and allow enough time for them to properly heat up.

Section 2: Bamboo Coals

Bamboo coals are made from compressed bamboo and are another sustainable option for hookah enthusiasts.

They have a neutral taste and are known for producing more ash than other types of coals.

However, they tend to have a shorter burn time and may require more frequent replacement during a hookah session.

Section 3: Quick Lighting Coals

Quick lighting coals are made from a mixture of compressed sawdust and chemicals and are designed to light easily and quickly.

They are convenient for people who don't want to fuss with natural lighting methods, but they do come with some drawbacks.

Quick-lighting coals can have a chemical taste and produce more ash than other types of coals. They are also not as environmentally friendly and tend to burn faster, which means they may need to be replaced more frequently during a hookah session.

Section 4: Wood Coals

Wood coals are made from compressed wood and are a popular choice for traditional hookah smokers.

They have a natural, woodsy taste and are environmentally friendly, but they do have some downsides.

Wood coals tend to have a shorter burn time and produce more ash than other types of coals. They may also be more difficult to light evenly and maintain a consistent heat output.


When it comes to choosing the best hookah coals for flavor, it's important to consider factors like burn time, lighting ease, and taste.

Coconut coals are a popular choice for their natural, sustainable, and neutral taste, but they do take longer to light.

Bamboo coals are another sustainable option with a neutral taste, but they have higher ash production and they have a shorter burn time.

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